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Barneklasse 3: Tjeneste







Brilliant Star page on service:


Weaving hearts



Being and Doing

The Mashriqu’l-Adhkár, described by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as “one of the most vital institutions of the world”, weds two essential, inseparable aspects of Bahá’í life: worship and service. The union of these two is also reflected in the coherence that exists among the community-building features of the Plan, particularly the burgeoning of a devotional spirit that finds expression in gatherings for prayer and an educational process that builds capacity for service to humanity. Ridvan 2012


Pray-serve coherence, woven together to make an illuminated heart and community

be tjene.jpg

The legend of the Bluebonnet

This story is told in Norwegian on a video by Anne Trine in the community

After the video story, teachers and children can work with activities.


Hva finnes i et Navn?


Etter å ha gått gjennom hvorfor heltinnes navn ble forandret fra 

«Hun som er alene» til «Hun som inderlig elsket sitt folk»

Diskuter hvordan navnene beskriver hennes personlighet og forvandlingen hun gjennomgikk.

Inviter interesserte personer til å finne på et gammelt og et nytt beskrivende navn basert på en forandring i deres egen oppførsel eller tankesett.


Personene kan tegne et bilde som illustrerer hvert av navnene.



Visste du at Bahá´u´lláh forandret sitt navn og navnene til mange av de tidlige troende?

Hvilket navn ga Baha´u´lláh sin sønn?



Etter å ha lest historien høyt, ha en diskusjon om hva et offer er.


- La barna dele idéer og tanker om mulige offer de kunne gjøre,

eller offer andre mennesker har gjort for dem.


Neste - la barna late som de er Han/Hun som er alene.

Spør så barna hva de ville ofret for å redde sitt folk, 

deres samfunn, deres nabolag.


Hvorfor ville dette være et offer for dem….

og hvorfor ville dette offeret være spesielt?
 burde være selvoppofrende og burde tjene menneskeheten. - 

´Abdu´l-Bahá, Selections form the writings of ´Abdu´l-Bahá p.68


« har blitt lært til å tro at offer er noe smertefullt - men dets virkelige mening er at vi gir slipp på noe lavere for noe høyere….

en mindre ting for noe større..»




Nå la barna bestemme hvordan den blomsten ville se ut som kom fra asken  til deres eget offer.

Minn dem om at «Bluebonnet» blomsten kom fra Blåfuglens fjær - de blå fjærene som var på dukken den lille piken ofret.

Gi dem kunst materiale for å kunne å lage deres egen blomst.

Helgen Teresa av Calcutta 

sitater om offer:


  1. «Ikke alle kan gjøre store ting. Men vi kan gjøre små ting med stor  kjærlighet.

  2. Kjærlighet kan ikke forbli alene - det gir ingen mening. Kjærlighet må bli til handling, og den handlingen er tjeneste.

  3. «Kjærlighet, for å bli virkelig, må vi fjerne oss fra selvets (egoets) behov.

  4. Det er ikke omfanget av våre handlinger men dybden av kjærlighet som legges inn i handlingen som har betydning.


Fingerprint bluebonnet art


Utdrag fra et brev skrevet av May Maxwell til sin ektemann, Sutherland, flere år etter deres pilgrimsreise i1909 til Akka - hans første, hennes andre.

Funnet i: Violette Nakhjavani, «The Maxwells of Montreal: Early Years 1870-1922» p. 252

Rain dance musikkvideoer:



Saint Teresa of Calcutta quotes about sacrifice:

  1. “Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”

  2. “Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning.  Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.” 

  3. “Love, to be real, must empty us of self.”

  4. “It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.”


What's In a Name?

After reviewing why the heroine's name was changed from She-Who-Is-Alone to One-Who-Dearly-Loved-Her-People, discuss how the names describe the character and the change she underwent. Invite interested students to make up an old and a new descriptive name for themselves based on a change in their own behavior or ideas. Students can draw a picture to illustrate each name. Did you know that Baha’u’llah changed his name and many of the early believers names? What name did Baha’u’llah give his son?


After reading the story aloud, lead a discussion on what a sacrifice is. 

Have the children brainstorm possible sacrifices that they could make, or sacrifices that people have made for them. Next, have the children pretend that they are She/He Who is Alone. Ask the children what they would sacrifice in order to save their people, their community, their neighborhood.

Why would this be a sacrifice for them . . . why would this be special?


...we should be self-sacrificing and should serve the human race. – Abdu’l-BahaSelections from the Writings of Abdu’l-Baha, p. 68.


"... we have been taught to consider sacrifice as something painful - but its real meaning is that we give up a lower thing for a higher - a lesser thing for a greater... "

excerpt from a letter written by May Maxwell to her husband, Sutherland, several years after their 1909 pilgrimage to 'Akka - his first, her second. Found in: Violette Nakhjavani, "The Maxwells of Montreal: Early Years 1870-1922," p. 252


Now have the children decide what the flower would look like that came from the ashes of their sacrifice. Remind them that the Bluebonnet came from the Bluebird feather on the doll that the little girl sacrificed.



Saint Teresa of Calcutta quotes about sacrifice:

  1. “Not all of us can do great things.  But we can do small things with great love.”

  2. “Love cannot remain by itself – it has no meaning.  Love has to be put into action, and that action is service.” 

  3. “Love, to be real, must empty us of self.”

  4. “It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.”


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